Stress-Free Dues Collection for Fraternity Treasurers: Never Chase Brothers for Money Again!

Greek Capital Management is fraternity management software which focuses on making chapter presidents and treasurers able to collection dues more effectively, without having to be the bad guy. We make it 10x easier to collect dues on time.

Get a 30 minute demo

  • Collect dues and automatically send reminders via email, text, and push notification.
  • Issue gMoney credit cards to brothers and automatically sync charges to your budgets.
  • Who wants to chase down your brothers for dues? Let GCM do it for you so you can focus on brotherhood.
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Let Us Be the Bad Guy

Tired of the constant hassle of reaching out to your brothers or sisters for their dues, only to face flak when you can't collect them all? Say goodbye to awkward conversations and strained relationships with GCM. We'll use our 10+ years of experience collecting dues on time and you prioritize what truly matters - fostering meaningful friendships, planning brotherhood building events, and recruiting new members.

  • GCM enables members and their parents to setup automatic payment plans.
  • We'll send automated reminders which have been optimized to drive faster payments. We make it easy to pay so you don't have to chase.
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No more keeping track of and paying bills.

As a busy fraternity president, you already have your hands full with all the responsibilities that come with leading your chapter. The last thing you need is to pay your bills late and get charged late fees. GCM will handle this for you and ensure that nevers happens. Just send the bill to us and we'll take care of it, simple as that.

  • It's Sunday night and you're hanging out with your brothers. Do you want to be paying bills? Of course not - so send them to GCM and you won't have to think about it.
  • We'll upload the bill and either pay it immediately, or ask for your approval if you'd like.
  • Billing issues? GCM will work with the vendor directly to resolve them.
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"I love doing my taxes!" - said No One Ever

Every year, your chapter has to file an 990-N with the IRS. Failure to do so (or filing incorrectly) | can lead to a loss of tax exemption. This can, and has been, a major headache for chapters across the country.

GCM has filed 1000's of 990-N filings over the years. We'll make sure it's done properly and keeps your chapter in good standing.

  • Behind on your taxes? We'll get you caught up even if your chapter hasn't filed in years.
  • Take taxes off your plate. We'll fill out and file your 990-N for you.
  • No one wants to be audited by the IRS. GCM will ensure you won't be, and will even communicate with the IRS on your behalf.
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Unlike OmegaFi, GCM is modern, and provides excellent support.

Let's face it, OmegaFi has been around forever and is the "default" when it comes to fraternity management software. But, they're stuck in the past and haven't innovated in years. Their software is clunky and outdated, and so members and their parents are left frustrated.

  • Migrating from OmegaFi to Greek Capital Management takes about 30 minutes.
  • Already paid for your OmegaFi subscription? You can use GCM for the rest of the semester for free.
  • In all of our experience, GCM is always cheaper than OmegaFi. Better software, much better support, and less expensive.
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Get a 30 minute demo of GCM and start taking the stress out of running your chapter.

We'll listen to your chapter's challenges and show you how our software can streamline operations. We'll share with you what we've learned from 10,000+ conversations with chapter presidents and treasurers, just like yourself.